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With shorter attention spans and a higher demand for engaging content, brands must go the extra mile to connect

July 25, 2024

In today's digital age, capturing the attention of Generation Z poses a unique challenge for brands. Ellie Kairis, Senior Experience Planner at RAPP, speaks to AdForum about strategies for cutting through the clutter to connect with Gen Z consumers.

What seems to be the biggest obstacle when it comes to grabbing the attention of Gen Z’ers? How are you cutting through the noise to engage with them?

Gen Z has an overwhelming amount of content at their fingertips and possess an exceptional ability to filter out anything that isn’t relevant — making marketing to them rather tricky. With shorter attention spans and a higher demand for engaging content, brands must go the extra mile to connect. To capture their attention, we always need to be striving to reflect Gen Z back to themselves. 

This generation can quickly spot inauthenticity, so it’s crucial for brands to communicate with genuine empathy and transparency. Authentic storytelling is a powerful tool to capture attention and foster a sense of connection between brands and their audience. Creating narratives that reflect lived experiences and emotional aspirations is essential. For instance, Dove's impactful Super Bowl campaign championed body positivity by showcasing young girls in sports. The ad begins with a lighthearted montage of girls playfully falling during competition, set to the song, "Hard Knocks." Midway through, it shifts to a stark white screen displaying the message: “The knocks don’t stop girls from playing sports; low body confidence does.” This campaign told a story that I’m sure most women can relate to in some form or fashion (i.e., “You throw like a girl”).

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