August 10, 2021
Well before the pandemic covered the world in the itchiest, most suffocating wool blanket imaginable, the job market was starting to strongly favor you: the worker. Employers were scrambling to fill yawning talent gaps and convince those already on the payroll to stay put amid ever-increasing competition. The best and brightest workers could figuratively write their own paycheck. Businesses were stuck in a tough spot; employees had the upper hand.
Those now feel like the good old days for companies given that the post-pandemic job landscape looks like an apocalyptic desert by comparison. After more than 18 months of reflecting on work-life balance, purpose, passion, and all the other drivers of personal branding along with other things that truly matter in life, employees have been quitting their jobs en masse. Around 4 million Americans walked away from their jobs in April 2021 alone. And it’s not just low-paying, benefit-anemic fast-food chains that are feeling the crunch; Microsoft found that some 41% of all workers are strongly considering an immediate career change.
Are you one of them? As long as you continue developing your skills in the quest to upgrade your professional status, the business world can be your oyster.
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