March 23, 2023
Although our gaps have fallen since last year, they remain higher than we had wished and we have had to recognize that making change will be a longer journey than we had hoped.
These results are the second set of gender pay gap statistics since the major merger referenced in our report last year. As we said then, this significantly affected our workforce composition and size and continues to impact our gender pay gap. We remain committed to taking the long-term action needed to reduce the gender pay gap, including changing the structures and processes of our business where needed.
We are encouraged to see that the percentage of women in the upper quartiles has increased again. This is an area where we will continue to focus our effort with our central strategy being the ongoing development and promotion of flexible and supportive working arrangements. This enables all staff to better accommodate family and work life and gives the best possible platform for talent to remain in the business.
The highly positive feedback we receive from our employees underscores its importance.
Talent scarcities, especially in the technical sectors, continue to impact on the ability to make change at pace. To address our pay gap, we need greater gender balance across all areas of our business, but particularly in our tech roles - 4.5 in 10 of all men in RAPP Group work in these roles versus just 2 out of 10 of all women in RAPP Group.
On a tactical level, we continue to evolve our remuneration practices using this as an opportunity to address areas where specific focus is needed.